Emergency Department
Emergency Department
The Emergency Department at Sensenbrenner Hospital provides comprehensive medical care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Our team of dedicated healthcare professionals are here to offer, accurate diagnoses and treatment for all types of medical conditions, from minor injuries to serious illnesses. Our staff is committed to providing prompt, effective and quality patient care.
Non -Urgent Medical Conditions
chest pain
difficulty breathing
severe bleeding or head trauma
sudden onset of weakness
loss of consciousness
severe abdominal pain
major burns or injuries
sudden change in speech or vision
broken bones
major sprain
In addition to the above, you should bring a child to the emergency department if the child experiences:
persistent fever (above 38.5 C/100.4 F)
persistent vomiting/diarrhea
cough, colds, and sore throats
ear infections
fever or flu-like symptoms
skin irritations (rashes)
mild asthma
prescription renewals
If unsure whether the issue is urgent, do not hesitate to call Health811 by calling 8-1-1 from a mobile or landline phone for free access to a Registered Nurse who can help assess symptoms and decide on next steps or present yourself to the Emergency Department.
What to expect ?
After Hours Entrance
The main entrance doors at Sensenbrenner Hospital are locked from 8:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Monday to Friday and until 12:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Please use the Emergency Department entrance during these times.